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No New Posts rules & regulations - 1 Viewing

welcome to our main administration offices. our lovely staff have prepared a handbook for you to skim over and abide by. within this board, you'll find our plot, our guidelines, and other information you could find quite useful. we hope the information within will quench any burning questions or concerns. if not, check the frequently asked questions. if all else fails, hopefully an administrator is on to answer your question in the cbox. we hope to see you as a member of action of eloquence!

3 7 frequently asked questions.
Jul 15, 2012 9:26:22 GMT -5
No New Posts suggestions & help - 1 Viewing

when you are in need of assistance, especially in your great time of concern, please don't hesitate to come and ask a question. of course, we provide a frequently asked questions thread, so make sure to check there. in the meantime, we're also taking suggestions to better improve the forum for members and potential members. if you have an amazing idea, or you are feeling inquisitive, feel free to drop by this board. i suppose it'd be helpful to mention we're guest-friendly.

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No New Posts updates & announcements - 1 Viewing

attention ladies and gentlemen, we have either recent news, a site-wide poll, an activity check, a new event, of the month votings, or just some thread that might be deemed important located in this board. around the end of every month, you'll find of the months and activity checks within. when a new event is announced, you'll find the information thread located here. any site-wide announcements or polls that may be important will also be located within this board. be sure to check back often so you don't miss something that may or may not be important. thanks for your cooperation.

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No New Posts discussion board - 1 Viewing

self-explanatory. Let’s just say you don’t know what discussion is. Do you know how to discuss or chat? Do you know how to be insane? Do you know how to talk? Well, I’m pretty sure you can use this board then. We’re pretty crazy and sometimes we do some pretty stupid stuff and decide to post it up. Sometimes we just need some help with homework, ideas, or something else super duper important. Sometimes we post stuff that’s on our mind. We love to give advice, so you could totally talk to us if you’re feeling upset. Wanna plot out something cool? You can do that. Want to say Happy Birthday to your friend on the site? Dew it here. Want to talk about how awesome Mountain Dew is? Yes, you do that here too. Want to post a video or a playlist? You can do that, too. You can post almost anything on this board as long as it’s appropriate, doesn’t break the rules, and stays with the proboards tos. contains creative writing, games, and graphics.

Sub-boards: introductions & absences., graphics.

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No New Posts plug boards - 5 Viewing

Going to advertise? Well, you’ve most certainly come to the right place. Just keep these few things in mind. 1. use the correct board when you advertise. 2 your site must be below PG-13 and follow proboards tos. 3. please only post one ad for each site. If you post a billion ads, we’re going to delete all of them. Respect our site. We reserve the right to delete any ads or reject any affiliate request. This should be the ONLY place we see links to other roleplay forums. PROBOARDS AND INVISIONFREE ONLY. GUEST-FRIENDLY.

Sub-boards: proboards first time., proboards link backs., invisionfree first time., invisionfree link back.

48 51 Heart of the Forest: a Warriors Roleplay
by Oakley
Jul 26, 2018 10:17:34 GMT -5

character creation.

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No New Posts applications. - 1 Viewing

Think you're ready to join action is eloquence? Well, post an application in this board and see if you got what it takes.

2 3 application template.
May 14, 2013 0:43:37 GMT -5
No New Posts biographies. - 5 Viewing

Biographies are found here. Sub-boards for the different Clans. if you are a newer roleplayer, you can view these to use as a guide.

Sub-boards: thunderclan, riverclan, windclan, shadowclan, rogues, loners, kittypets

2 2 {I}cepelt of Riverclan
by icey
Apr 6, 2011 20:51:38 GMT -5
No New Posts character relationships.

plotting is quite often done here, this is a place where you may create a profile for each character to be plotted with. we ask you create one per character, but you can have all of your characters on one page if you wish. need some juicy drama? this is the place to be. there's many, many other characters just dying to be plotted with. maybe an apprentice wants to have an archenemy in thunderclan. maybe that same thunderclan rival wants to become mates with the apprentice. you never know, anything is possible, so get plotting. if you don't, well, the consequences are too cruel to describe. may that be motivation enough?

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No New Posts character logs.

keep track of your character count and their threads and plots here! one per person, please.

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No New Posts camp. - 1 Viewing

1 1 thunderclan allegiances.
Apr 6, 2011 16:53:44 GMT -5
No New Posts sunningrocks.

Located close to the river, these large batch of boulders gives elders and senior warriors the perfect place to bask and relax in the sun. Said boulders and flattened out and long. They are able to safely seat many cats at once. Despite hositile treatment from RiverClan in past seasons, this bit of land is clearly ThunderClan's ever since StarClan changed the course of the river. Adders are known for sneaking around, but are dealt with accordingly.

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No New Posts sandy hollow.

Down a sloped hill, there lies a small flattened patch of land. It is covered in pale brown sand and lined with grass. The sand is a useful distraction technique taught to all who can bare to have the grit tossed lightly in their face. Despite the ground being soft, there is little shelter. The trees thin out considerably and, due to the terrain, prey is not abundant here. The creatures dislike having such of open nest and retreat further into the forest.

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No New Posts great sycamore. - 1 Viewing

The sycamore is a large, deciduous tree with broad leaves in greenleaf and thick strong branches that are useful for practicing climbing techniques. The landmark is wide and domed with low branches and a thick trunk, and was one of the very few trees left standing after the twolegs destroyed the forest.

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No New Posts snakerocks.

Among the rocks in this leaf-covered clearing, adders make their home. The boulders in which the caves are etched under are flat and smooth, much like Sunningrocks. The adders are poisonous, and it makes a dangerous place for any cat. Small caves have developed under the shelter of the rocks, and they make useful homes for larger animals even deadlier then snakes.

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No New Posts camp. - 1 Viewing

RiverClan is, like ThunderClan, located in the heart of the forest. Their camp is not dry and barren in any sense; however. They are located right near the riverbanks, hence the name. On a well-drained island, there sits the reed-encircled space. To get inside, one must slip underneath the low-hanging willows and trudge though the wet soil that holds the reeds together. The central clearing comes into view and the first things seen are sun bathing elders and queens sharing tongues. Generally the most peaceful of all Clan camps. A tangle of reeds to the left indicates the warriors’ den. The roof of which has feathers woven into it. Along the walls, shiny stones and shells from the river sit. The den seems to shiver; especially at dawn. Located right next to the warriors are the queens and their kits. This den, too, is decorated quite nicely for the youngsters entertainment. The river extends across the nursery’s entrance, but the water is shallow and there is very little current. Safe for kits to practice swimming. Across the clearing is the medicine cat’s den. With herbs stored safely in small caves of earth, it’s less of a mess when unwanted paws trample through. On the other side of the island, a couple rocks jut out of the river when it’s not too high. Perfect for basking, but the senior warriors and elders get priority. Apprentices sleep in a cleared space under the trees with plenty of shade. In the cooler moons, they sleep in makeshift dens underground which are highly uncomfortable and tight-fitting. The leader calls announcements from the Fallen Willow. Beside which, she has a den in a hollowed log.

1 1 riverclan allegiances.
Apr 6, 2011 16:53:59 GMT -5
No New Posts the falls. - 1 Viewing

Known as Druid's Leap to the twolegs, the falls marks the end of the gorge, as well the most dangerous spot in WindClan and RiverClan territory. The length of the gorge remains the same, just a few fox-lengths, but no one would even consider trying the leap. The water takes a steep dive at this point in the river, and the result is a waterfall, whose swirling currents and rocky bottom mean certain death for anyone who falls in. The mist from the falls make the ground above it slippery, and is a constant reminder of it's presence.

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No New Posts the river.

This winding stretch of water that passes through RiverClan territory is one to be envious of. The supply of fish leads smaller mammals here to nest and feed. The river takes the longest to freeze in leaf-bare, supplying the felines with prey. This is a popular place for most RiverClan felines to hunt and enjoy one another's company.

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No New Posts twoleg bridge.

A safe way to cross over the deeper section of the river and straight to Fourtrees. The apprentices are warned to stay back due to the height and seriousness of a potential fall. Elders often boast about jumping from this bridge and into the river during their prime, but no one believes them; give or take a few kits.

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No New Posts camp. - 1 Viewing

Past a clump of brambles there lies a small path. Worn down by numerous pawsteps, said path leads to a hollow. There is little grass in the area. Underpaw is thick, cool mud. The leader rests in the roots of a massive oak. Across camp, the warriors sleep inside a thick bramble bush. Despite the harsh exterior, the inside is soft with pine needles and moss. The smooth boulder at the edge of the clearing is where the Clan is addressed. Commonly referred to as HalfRock due to it’s other half being disconnected. The slice between the rocks is where the medicine cat lives. Herbs are stored in small holes in the earth. The sick cats are often housed in the ferns outside along the edges of HalfRock. Most would argue that is a precarious situation to place the leader and other members in, but, if the sickness is contagious, the patients are moved inside the den. The apprentices and elders are clustered toward the back corner in similar nests made of stones and brambles. The nursery is in a hollow shielded by a thorn bush.

1 1 shadowclan allegiances
Apr 6, 2011 16:54:43 GMT -5
No New Posts thunderpath tunnel. - 1 Viewing

One of ShadowClan's most closely guarded secrets is that of the Thunderpath Tunnel, a small stone drainage tunnel. While other clans must risk crossing the deadly twoleg road from above, ShadowClan slips through the small tunnel below the Thunderpath that leads to the other side. It's dark and perfectly round, built with creamy-colored stone the height of two cats. In lead-bare the tunnel runs with water, but in green-leaf moss grows in the welcoming darkness, and the bottom is littered with leaves and twoleg rubbish. ShadowClan uses the tunnel to cross to gatherings, but running water would make it dangerous to access in leaf-bare.

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No New Posts carrionplace. - 1 Viewing

Rat-infested and dangerous, Carrionplace is hardly ever visited only to mark borders. Hunting comes only once leaf-bare is much too hard to handle. The Twolegs harbor their garbage here and it infects the prey that lives near it. Maggots often inhabit the carcasses of the deceased. It is a good place to go if you want to disguise your scent or hide, but it's crawling with disease.

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No New Posts burnt sycamore.

It was destroyed many moons ago by lightning. Burnt black and down to a pointed stump, apprentices are often trained here to hunt during the night, and to stalk noiselessly through the bog and marshlands. This place is abundant with prey, due to it's direct location in the center of the territory. Small lizards, frogs, and snakes come here.

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No New Posts camp. - 1 Viewing

Etched out trails among the moorlands lead to the only truly sheltered spot. Which is a dry, sandy hollow surrounded by gorse bushes. The camp is hard to break through, but once the attacker is in, it’s difficult for the WindClanners to escape. With tough, prickly branches make both the entrance and exit, the elders and young ones have a hard time with it. The camp is barren looking, but that’s only because it’s not crowded with dens. The warriors and apprentices usually sleep under the stars. In harsh weather conditions, the leader’s den is used. Nestled behind a large boulder known as TallRock, this cave is very spacious and fit’s the Clan very snug-like, but it’s always plenty warm. Along the walls of the camp, there are make-shift dens made of gorse for the elders and inhabitants of the nursery. Centered among the other groups, the medicine cat has his den. It is sheltered under a large heather bush. The Clan has their own personal “Sunningrocks.” The large, golden rocks retain heat quite nicely, leaving a comfortable resting place. Despite it’s rumored adder problem, the felines of this quick Clan have sharp enough senses to detect one coming.

1 1 windclan allegiances.
Apr 6, 2011 16:54:57 GMT -5
No New Posts outlook rock.

This large, flat gray stone slopes steeply above the level moors. From here, you can spot movement far across the grassland, especially a slow-moving or brightly colored cat another Clan. WindClan apprentices are assigned to Outlook Rock to test their alertness and guard-duty skills.

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No New Posts abandoned badger set.

The old badger set on WindClan territory was abandoned long ago, but the earthy den still contains their scent. It's a popular hunting and training spot for WindClanners. A badger trail leads from this spot to RiverClan territory and along the gorge, likely created by the same one who lived in the den.

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No New Posts the gorge. - 1 Viewing

The gorge is the source of water for the river and all it's tributaries. It's strictly forbidden territory to young apprentices, because the long drop and chaotic river below nearly always means death for anyone who is foolish enough to get too close to the edge. The gorge begins as sheer, rocky walls with a fast-flowing river flowing below them. But the river gets louder as it nears the falls. Ferns cling fiercely to the edge of the sheer cliffs, always soaked with the mist that swirls from the swollen torrent below. From on side to the other the gorge is just a few foxlengths wide, but the failure of a leap would be disastrous.

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No New Posts fourtrees.

Fourtrees is a group of four tall oak trees that the Clan cats have held their Gatherings at since the early days of the Clans. Fourtrees is described as neutral territory, and is often used when cats from different Clans want to meet outside a Gathering. There is a large rock called the Great Rock that the Clan leaders use to look down on the Clans and share their news.

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No New Posts highstones & moonstone - 1 Viewing

The Moonstone is a sacred stone deep below the earth that the Clan cats go to to share tongues with StarClan. Although cats are supposed to be given free passage through to the Moonstone, this law is not always obeyed. The cave in which the moonstone is located, Mothermouth, is seen as a hole in the ground. As cats enter, they go through a long, cold tunnel that slopes down, with absolutely no light whatsoever, sometimes so thin they feel their whiskers brushing either side. After a short distance they emerge into a small cavern where the actual Moonstone is.The cat is then dazzled by an extremely bright light, caused by moonlight reflected onto the gem from a hole in the ceiling. The Moonstone is several tail-lengths high. To communicate with StarClan, all the cat must do is press his or her nose to the rock, and they fall asleep almost immediately. It is said to be very cold, and some cats believe they are not dreaming until they open their eyes, realizing their nose is no longer pressed against the rock. They then dream about their warrior ancestors, and are able to talk with them. Apprentices used to go here before their warrior ceremony. Leaders go to Moonstone to receive nine lives and have the second half of their name replaced with the suffix "–star" to honor StarClan.

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No New Posts twoleg place.

ThunderClan has no real claim on Twolegplace, where the twoleg fences begin yards belong to their twoleg owners and any kittypet who may live there. The inner regions of twoleg place are home to many rogues, but this fact is unknown by the Clanners, who consider twoleg place a safe, but rather uninteresting group of twoleg homes, whose kittypets are no threat.

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No New Posts loner's barn.

The barn is said to be filled with mice that are "just waiting to drop dead and have you eat them". Generally, the felines all sleep on top of a large haystack, and to get water, they climb up onto the roof and drink from the gutter. Two elderly Twolegs live nearby, occasionally leaving food such as tuna or milk out for the loners, although they claim to like mice better. This is located at the edge of WindClan territory.

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